118 research outputs found

    Simulations of non-stationary flows of dry granular material along an inclined chute

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    In this work, the signals generated by grain-to-base multiple impacts of three different granular materials flowing along an inclined chute and characterized by unsteady-state conditions are investigated through the discrete element method (DEM). The effect of different grain-size and angularity of the grains are taken into account. Various instants of the flows are studied, focusing in particular on the analysis of the signal produced by the passage of the material on a portion of the base of the chute, and on the study of the motion of the particles close to the base. The numerical results allow us to have an insight into the characteristics of the flows and to explain the behavior of the granular material at the contact with the base

    Micromechanical simulations of the collapse of a submerged granular column

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    In this work, we present a numerical study of a granular collapse in a viscous fluid adopting a DEM-PFV (Pore Finite Volume) coupled model. We analyze the time evolution of the collapse and the final morphology of the deposit (triangular or trapezoidal) as a function of the initial solid fraction and column aspect ratio. Finally, we discuss the role of the initial packing fraction of the granular material on the time evolution of the pore pressure. The numerical results are consistent with experimental observation [3] showing the capability of the DEM-PFV coupled model to simulate saturated granular media from triggering to flowing and stopping conditions

    A step-by-step problem-solving strategy in a patient with heart failure and cerebral aneurysm

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    Left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) implantation is an established treatment for patients with end-stage heart failure. HeartMate 3 (HM3) is a continuous-flow centrifugal pump, recently introduced in the clinic, which has shown greater hemocompatibility compared to similar devices of previous generations. Nevertheless, anticoagulation is still required after HM3 implant to avoid pump dysfunction. Hereafter, we describe the case of a patient candidate to LVAD implantation for end-stage heart failure presenting a concomitant cerebrovascular lesion, accidentally found during pre-operative assessment, which would have contraindicated the procedure (for the prohibitive risk of cerebral hemorrhage), unless a step by step problem-solving approach was adopted

    Myb-binding protein 1A (MYBBP1A) is essential for early embryonic development, controls cell cycle and mitosis, and acts as a tumor suppressor

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    MYBBP1A is a predominantly nucleolar transcriptional regulator involved in rDNA synthesis and p53 activation via acetylation. However little further information is available as to its function. Here we report that MYBBP1A is developmentally essential in the mouse prior to blastocyst formation. In cell culture, down-regulation of MYBBP1A decreases the growth rate of wild type mouse embryonic stem cells, mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) and of human HeLa cells, where it also promotes apoptosis. HeLa cells either arrest at G2/M or undergo delayed and anomalous mitosis. At mitosis, MYBBP1A is localized to a parachromosomal region and gene-expression profiling shows that its down-regulation affects genes controlling chromosomal segregation and cell cycle. However, MYBBP1A down-regulation increases the growth rate of the immortalized NIH3T3 cells. Such Mybbp1a down-regulated NIH3T3 cells are more susceptible to Ras-induced transformation and cause more potent Ras-driven tumors. We conclude that MYBBP1A is an essential gene with novel roles at the pre-mitotic level and potential tumor suppressor activity.NHMRC: This work was supported by Associazione Italiana Ricerche sul Cancro (AIRC) grant 8929 and European Community FP7 201681 ‘‘Prepobedia’’ to FB, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council to RK and TJG (project ID000115). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Preliminary numerical and experimental tests for the study of vibration signals in dry granular flows

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    Debris flows are one of the most important hazards in mountainous areas because of their paroxysmal nature, the high velocities, and energy carried by the transported material. The monitoring of these phenomena plays a relevant role in the prevention of the effects of these events. Among different possibilities, fiber optical sensors appear well-suited for this purpose thanks to their fair cheapness (with the exception of the interrogator), the robustness to electromagnetic interferences, the adaptability in extreme harsh conditions (no power supply is required), the possibility of locating the interrogator many kilometers far away from the monitored site, and the unique feature to provide very-dense multipoint distributed measurements along long distances. In this work, the vibro-acoustics signal produced by these phenomena has been focused as a possible source of information for the prediction of incipient movement, and the tracking of their path, velocity and thickness. Few literature works investigate these aspects, and for this reason, a preliminary laboratory and numerical campaign have been carried out with dry granular flume tests on an inclined chute. The discrete element method has been used to simulate the tests and to synthesize the signal measured on an instrumented mat along the channel. The grain shapes of the granular material used in simulations have been obtained by a photogrammetric tridimensional reconstruction. The force-time signal has been also analyzed in time-frequency domain in order to infer the features of the flow. The numerical activity has been preparatory for the experiments carried out by instrumenting the flume with an optical fiber distributed vibration sensing system

    Increasing the maturity of measurements of essential climate variables (ECVs) at Italian atmospheric WMO/GAW observatories by implementing automated data elaboration chains

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    In the framework of the National Project of Interest NextData, we developed automatic procedures for the flagging and formatting of trace gases, atmospheric aerosols and meteorological data to be submitted to the World Data Centers (WDCs) of the Global Atmosphere Watch program of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO/GAW). In particular, the atmospheric Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) covered in this work are observations of near-surface trace gas concentrations, aerosol properties and meteorological variables, which are under the umbrella of the World Data Center for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG), the World Data Center for Reactive Gases, and the World Data Center for Aerosol (WDCRG and WDCA). We developed an overarching processing chain to create a number of data products (data files and reports) starting from the raw data, finally contributing to increase the maturity of these measurements. To this aim, we implemented specific routines for data filtering, flagging, format harmonization, and creation of data products, useful for detecting instrumental problems, particular atmospheric events and quick data dissemination towards stakeholders or citizens. Currently, the automatic data processing is active for a subset of ECVs at 5 measurement sites in Italy. The system represents a valuable tool to facilitate data originators towards a more efficient data production. Our effort is expected to accelerate the process of data submission to WMO/GAW or to other reference data centers or repositories. Moreover, the adoption of automatic procedures for data flagging and data correction allows to keep track of the process that led to the final validated data, and makes data evaluation and revisions more efficient by improving the traceability of the data production process

    Analisi predittive del comportamento idro-meccanico di un modello di argine fluviale in condizioni di flusso transitorio

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    Il frequente manifestarsi di eventi alluvionali per collasso di opere in terra costituisce un problema di particolare rilevanza nella valutazione del rischio idrogeologico e della pianificazione territoriale. In questo contesto risulta cruciale un’accurata stima delle condizioni di stabilità che tenga conto dello stato di parziale saturazione dei terreni costituenti il rilevato. Altrettanto importante è tenere conto delle condizioni di flusso transitorio che si instaurano negli argini e nei terreni di fondazione a seguito delle continue variazioni del livello idrometrico dei corsi d’acqua. Tutto ciò influenza notevolmente la risposta idro-meccanica delle opere in parola. In tale prospettiva la nota illustra uno studio numerico, basato sull’approccio agli elementi finiti e sul metodo dell’Equilibrio Limite, per l’analisi del comportamento di un argine fluviale rappresentativo delle opere di difesa idraulica degli affluenti alpini e appenninici del fiume Po. Lo studio proposto tiene debito conto delle condizioni di parziale saturazione del corpo arginale interessato da un moto di filtrazione in regime transitorio. Le analisi numeriche proposte costituiscono parte integrante della progettazione di una prova in centrifuga geotecnica su un modello fisico in scala ridotta, finalizzata a investigare la vulnerabilità delle infrastrutture arginali nei confronti di eventi di piena

    Analisi sperimentale per lo studio del comportamento idromeccanico di un terreno costipato

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    La valutazione delle condizioni di stabilità delle opere in terra rappresenta una difficoltà spesso sottovalutata nella pratica ingegneristica e, viceversa, di attualità della ricerca scientifica in geotecnica. Infatti, è certamente vero che il contenuto d’acqua dei terreni costituenti tali opere e la distribuzione della pressione interstiziale nelle strutture in terra variano nel tempo a causa dei mutevoli effetti delle condizioni idrometriche e climatiche al contorno, cosa che influenza significativamente le condizioni di stabilità dell’opera. In questo lavoro è presentata una procedura per la caratterizzazione del comportamento idromeccanico di una miscela di sabbia e limo al variare dell’energia di costipamento. I dati sperimentali vengono discussi al fine di contribuire allo studio del comportamento in esercizio delle opere in terra
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